लोक नृत्य प्रतियोगिता
लोक नृत्य प्रतियोगिता
Continue Readingयस सागर मेमोरियल बोर्डिङ्ग स्कुल कास्की जिल्ला एन प्याबसान एसोसियशनको लोक नृत्य प्रतियोगितामा भाग लिएको केहि झलकहरु ः
Continue ReadingChildren went for excursion at their holidays. They enjoyed a lot at their excursion period. They sang,danced and played during this period. Teachers also went with..
Continue ReadingSport Meets program was held after the examination period at Sagar Memorial Boarding School. The Principal of Sagar Memorial Boarding School chaired the program. There were..
Continue ReadingA small picnic was held by our school Sagar Memorial Boarding School.It was full of fun.Both teachers and students enjoyed and were very happy during picnic.The..
Continue ReadingOur annual function ceremony was grand.Our directors, principal and teachers gave some speeches at this day.Our students danced.sang,acted,recited poems etc at at this day.And our parents..
Continue ReadingOn this day, prizes were distributed to our passed students.Each passed student got a certificate and a medal during the prize distribution ceremony. Most students got..
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